As spring blooms, it’s tempting to redecorate your backyard with all-new outdoor gear, but there’s no one here. real simple I’ll stop you. In fact, we spoke to interior designers to get tips on how to refresh your outdoor patio space with stylish Amazon products starting at $18.
“The outdoor space is like an extension of the indoor living area, and it sets the tone for the interior,” says Shaolin Low, interior designer and founder of Studio Shaolin. real simple. “With love, you can create a cohesive atmosphere that makes every corner of your home feel cozy and complete.” Now that spring is officially here, Low is focusing on bright colors, floral prints, She also suggests incorporating cute items that can withstand the elements.
It’s all about style and function, and Amazon’s Spring Home section has tons of great options hidden away. Don’t be surprised to find items from big brands like Ashley Furniture, Nicole Miller, Costa Farms, Walker Edison, and more.
Amazon products approved by interior designers
- Svater Antique Style Outdoor String Lights for $70 with coupon (Was $78)
- Pill Mandu Embroidered Decorative Cushion Cover, $29
- Smile Bee Boho Outdoor Cushion Cover Set, $24 with coupon (Was $26)
- Yitahome Wicker Outdoor Loveseat, $190
- Nicole Miller Outdoor Patio Country Azalea Area Rug, $18 with coupon (Was $63)
- Walker Edison Vincent Outdoor Patio Dining 5-Piece Set, $746 (Was $1,005)
- Christopher Knight Home Ruby Outdoor Iron Side Table, $60
- Stonebriar Rustic Wooden Hurricane Candle Lantern, $34 (was $55)
- Solpex Solar Deck Light Pack, $31 with coupon (Was $40)
- Costa Farms Golden Pothos Live Plant, $18 (was $23)
- Sunny Days Cauldron Wood Fire Pit Bowl, $199 (Was $249)
- Ashley Furniture Clairview Nuvella Outdoor Loveseat, $689 (was $726)
Pill Mandu Embroidery Decorative Cushion Cover
“Look at bright colors like pastel blues, greens, and pinks, which really capture the fresh seasonal vibe,” explains Lowe. Adding cute floral cushions to your patio is an easy way to do so. Lo especially loves her cushion covers, which combine her three colorful elements above, featuring flowers, leaves, and even birds. A zipper on the side allows you to slip it over your existing cushion, and when it gets dirty, you can throw it in the washing machine.
Svater Antique Style Outdoor String Lights
You can’t go wrong with outdoor string lights. A designer favorite, this set is definitely worth considering. “It instantly adds ambiance to any patio or garden and creates a cozy atmosphere for evening gatherings,” says Lowe. This special bulb set spans 96 feet, so you can effortlessly surround a large garden. It has an antique Edison light bulb design and a black protective cord to withstand exposure to rain, snow, and sunlight.
Walker Edison Vincent Outdoor Patio Dining 5-Piece Set
If you’re looking for a place to eat al fresco, consider the stylish and durable Walker Edison Patio Dining Set. Currently on sale for $746. Made from acacia wood, this furniture is built to naturally resist moisture, rot, warping, and fading, usually due to exposure to sunlight and water. This combination of weather-resistant materials is what Low recommends you look for in all your outdoor furniture. This set comes with 4 chairs and a large dining table measuring 60 x 32 x 30 inches.
To see more Amazon Spring Patio decor with features approved by Low, scroll through the list below.
Smile Bee Boho Outdoor Cushion Cover Set
Yitahome Wicker Outdoor Loveseat
Nicole Miller Outdoor Patio Country Azalea Area Rug
Christopher Knight Home Ruby Outdoor Iron Side Table
Stonebriar rustic wooden hurricane candle lantern
Solpex Solar Deck Light Pack
Costa Farms Golden Pothos Live Plant
Sunny Days Cauldron Wood Fire Pit Bowl
Ashley Furniture Clairview Nuvella Outdoor Loveseat