Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has long championed artificial intelligence (AI) and now predicts the technology will revolutionize the fields of health and education.
During his visit to India, Bill Gates said in an interview, “In the near future, there will be great advances in AI technology. It will help us move forward in many important areas. It will be helpful.” Of course, it can also be used in the educational field.
He also said that the best experiments are being done with this technology and good progress is being made in supporting students.
Bill Gates said it is not yet clear how fast AI technology is advancing and to what extent it can be used for positive purposes.
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Bill Gates says AI technology will help ensure business operations three days a week
But he said AI technology is changing at lightning speed and keeping up will be a big challenge.
“My concern about this technology is that we don’t know how quickly it’s improving,” the Microsoft co-founder said.
He further said that the technology will help reduce working hours in various fields, including doctors and teachers.
This is not the first time Bill Gates has discussed AI technology.
He has repeatedly said that AI technology is the most important technological advancement in recent decades.
Not long ago, he predicted that within a year and a half, AI chatbots would be helping children read and write.
Bill Gates said in a March 2023 blog post that AI technology is as important as microprocessors, personal computers, the Internet, and mobile phones.
Speaking on the occasion, he said the technology will change the way people work, learn, travel, receive medical care and interact with each other.
In a letter written in December 2023, Bill Gates declared 2024 to be the year of AI technology.
In his letter, he said he hopes the advances made in 2024 will help lay the foundation for technology adoption this decade.