One of the lawmakers who oversaw the drafting of the European Union’s landmark AI law said Microsoft’s deal with French tech startup Mistral AI should be further investigated.
Microsoft announced Monday that it will soon make Mistral’s AI models available through its Azure cloud computing platform.
Microsoft told Reuters it had invested in the company but did not own any shares. The announcement raised eyebrows in Brussels.
Throughout negotiations on the AI Act, Mistral has called for loosening rules for some models, with advocates warning that strict rules risk undermining European companies’ ability to compete with big tech companies.
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“The new revelations, following legitimate but strong lobbying from companies like Mistral, require us not to weaken our ambitions regarding the safety of GPAI (general purpose AI) models that carry systemic risks. It’s further proof that it’s good,” Benefay told Reuters.
“This emerging story will require further investigation.”
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