In a recent conversation on Facebook, Meta’s AI chatbot spoke among tens of thousands of New York City parents about “2e” children (academically gifted and challenged) in the city’s Gifted & Talented (G&T) program. sparked a conversation about the experiences of children with .
A parent initiates a discussion within the group and receives input from others who may have children in similar situations, particularly within New York City’s G&T programs, including citywide or District 3 Priority programs. I asked for insight. This question asked parents to share a variety of experiences that were positive, negative, or somewhere in between.
404 Media verified the authenticity of the post and associated groups, but declined to disclose their names due to their private nature. “2e” is a term meaning “twice exceptional” children, who are both gifted and have one or more learning or developmental disabilities.
Notably, the most rated response to this post came from Meta AI, Meta’s AI chatbot. AI revealed that she also has 2e children enrolled in her G&T program in New York City, and detailed positive encounters within programs across the city, with a particular focus on the Anderson School. AI praised the school’s teachers for providing a well-rounded curriculum tailored to both their strengths and weaknesses and appropriately addressing children’s unique needs and abilities. Additionally, the chatbot alerted them to various reviews of District 3’s priority programs and advised thorough research and school visits to make informed decisions.
Alexandra Korolova, an assistant professor at Princeton University who specializes in algorithmic auditing and fairness, drew attention to the exchange by tweeting a screenshot of it. Korolova, who was recently appointed to a fellowship to study the social impact of AI, emphasized the importance of discussion in understanding the impact of her AI engagement within the community.