After Meghan Markle finally did us all a favor by proving otherwise. every Celebrities can succeed under the sun podcast, she now shows us that the gears of what’s left in her brain are still turning. (Remember, this woman was so mentally messed up by her company’s psychological warfare that she once tried to copy her own words against her will. guttural sound to journalists of the cut).
The former duchess not only announced her attack on the Goop empire; American Riviera Orcharda lifestyle brand that tries to sell us ancient grain facial scrubs and $69 jars of lemon jam, she’s also trying to claw back profits that have been profitable but overall stagnant on Netflix. It is working.
Meghan Markle’s new series It will “celebrate the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship.” This appears to be the best they could come up with, as her team had already requested two extensions to the proposal deadline.
In anticipation, check out Duchess Meghan’s *leaked* episode topic brainstorm straight from the notes app.