Surgere brings the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to Interius supply chain management software to help users find information easily and efficiently.
Suger Interius developed this AI capability to help end users take advantage of the vast amount of data that Interius collects on every supply chain transaction. Interius provides business-critical insights, but the amount of information it collects can be overwhelming in some situations. Built on its massive amount of data, AI provides clients with predicted trends, proactive answers to the most common questions, with the goal of simplifying supply chain decision-making for each client. Instruct work.
Interius is a 100% cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) that provides always-on access to supply chain metrics, reports, and insights, providing supply chain professionals with the accurate intelligence they need to create data. Provides real-time information and alerts. leading decision.
“We created a model that analyzes specific customer data to build reports and insights that customers can access using natural, everyday language,” says Thomas Strain. Mr. Suger Vice President of Technology. “In addition to adapting and becoming smarter over time, our deep expertise in manufacturing environments allows customers to take advantage of enhanced intelligence and directed operations from day one.”
Important points:
- A one-click dashboard that provides answers to the most common questions users have about supply chain data. This is available through easy-to-use dashboards and natural language processing (NLP).
- A machine learning model that uses customer actions to present relevant data in an easy-to-understand way.
- It makes real-time adjustments based on customer-configurable rules and patterns to address common warehouse logistics challenges around shipping lane assignments and delivery stops.
- Automatic notifications and alerts on any device so users know when to act and stay ahead of any slowdowns or disruptions in daily manufacturing and shipping, further increasing Interius’ end-to-end visibility. .
- End-to-end visibility and speed of decision-making help administrators make better-informed decisions.
- Real-time heartbeat connectivity monitoring of installed hardware and alerts with proactive ticket creation Suger Client contact information in case of system downtime.
- Built-in chatbot support and knowledge base that can support multiple languages.