look back, the new animated film based on Tatsuki Fujimoto’s popular one-shot manga, has released its first official trailer. Fujimoto is best known for his second major serial. chainsaw manwhich propelled him to both popularity and success, winning him three Harvey Awards for Best Manga between 2021 and 2023.
original source look back It features a completely different atmosphere and premise than chainsaw man. This 143-page independent web manga released in 2021 depicts the coming-of-age story of confident elementary school student Ayumu Fujino and her reclusive classmate Kyomoto. The two initially pass over a friendly rivalry when they discover a shared love of manga creation, but eventually a friendship develops as they grow into adolescence.
Produced by Studio Dorian, the animated film is directed by Kiyotaka Oshiyama, an industry veteran who has previously worked on acclaimed animated features such as: Evangelion New Theatrical Version: Q, first slam dunk and chainsaw man To name a few examples.
Watch the trailer for look back On top of that. This animated film is scheduled to be released in Japan on June 28, 2024. As of this writing, an international release date has not yet been confirmed. In the meantime, stay tuned to the movie official for updates. X Account or Website.