“Testament: The Story of Moses” recently debuted on Netflix. This is an ambitious series that seeks to capture the life of Moses from his exile to his role as deliverer and prophet in three episodes. This summary is interspersed with commentary from prominent theologians and historians from Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, drawing parallels between the story of Moses and today’s social justice issues. Here are six things about him you should know before starting the series.
the Really length! That’s natural, but be prepared. This is not a Saturday movie night selection. Each of the three episodes lasts approximately 90 minutes or more, so plan for a total of 4.5 hours.
This is more like a big screen blockbuster than a PBS miniseries. This is not a documentary in the traditional sense. Although the series is advertised as such, it is actually a strictly scripted and scored reenactment with some fairly graphic scenes. This is to be expected, but keep this in mind if you’re interested. I watch it with my young children. “Part 2: The Plague” is especially intense.
The actors are relatively unknown. Avi Azoulay plays Moses, which is quite a feat for a relatively unknown Israeli actor (so unknown that his Instagram account is still private!). He began his career in local theater and, although not as good as Charlton Heston, he rose to the stage with his dark eyes, commanding presence, and understated yet powerful performance.
Expert commentary advances the story. While some viewers may find the ongoing cuts from glossy film narratives to interview-style editorials off-putting, they also provide needed context and respite. There’s also a down-to-earth conversation with Professor Rabbi Rachel Adelman (Hebrew University) and Jonathan Kirsch (author of . Moses: A Life”), Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, and others. It breaks things.
Some details are missing. Despite its length, the series omits some important details to keep pace, such as Moses’ creation of the Aaronic people and the construction of the Tabernacle.
Reviews are mixed. “What’s most frustrating is how easily the Netflix template, including the pre-credits teaser reel, maps onto a story from 2,000 years ago,” Ben Travers wrote on IndieWire. True: It’s sometimes unclear whether this is a dramatic exercise, an educational documentary, or an attempt at high-end television. Those who can tolerate learning more (like perhaps younger children) may not want to sit through three episodes for nearly five hours. Those who already know the story may be put off by the occasionally over-the-top narration by Charles Dance (Louis Mountbatten in The Crown), melodramatic acting, and flashy sets.
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