Let’s be honest, we all experience bad breath from time to time, especially in the morning. It’s human nature to wake up with less than fresh breath, but there are dentist-approved treatments that don’t involve mouthwash or harsh mint toothpaste. It’s a tongue scraper. We spoke to a dentist to learn why regularly scraping your tongue is as important to your oral care as brushing your teeth. And now his two-pack of stainless steel MasterMedi Tongue Scrapers, Amazon’s No. 1 best-selling version, is marked down to $8. It’s only $4 each!
Want to improve your bad breath? According to dentists, it’s best to use a tongue scraper. Over 85,000 of his 5-star fans say this is their brand of choice. He can get one for you and your partner.
$8 on Amazon
Why is this a good deal?
These breath savers go on sale quite often, and today’s discount is almost 50% off. — disappears tonight! Treat yourself and your partner to better breathing with this $8 2-pack sale, or just pick up one scraper for $6 for him on sale.
Why is this necessary?
We spoke with Erin Fraundorf, DMD, MSD, and owner of BOCA Orthodontic + Whitening Studio just outside St. Louis. He explained that there are many causes of bad breath, but the main cause is bacteria on the back of the tongue.
“Bacteria consume the food particles left in our mouths and excrete waste products in the form of volatile sulfur compounds,” Fraundorff says. “These compounds are the particles that emit the actual odor you smell as ‘bad breath.’ Morning bad breath is caused by bacteria building up in your mouth overnight.”
She adds that poor oral hygiene and dry mouth can also cause bad breath, so it’s important to use tools to keep your mouth as clean as possible, and that’s where a tongue scraper comes in.
According to Fraundorff, a tongue scraper is “an absolutely essential tool for improving your tongue.” [bad breath] And perhaps the most important and effective. ”
When explaining how the tongue scraper works, she compared the tongue to a spongy mushroom. “Food debris, bacteria and fungi get trapped between and under this pasture,” she says. “Bad bacteria thrive in these anaerobic areas and are the main cause of halitosis (bad breath).”
She added that tongue scrapers can help “remove the thick biofilm on the uneven surface of the tongue.” Scraping away this film allows nutrients from healthy saliva to be taken up by the biome below.
“Tongue rubbing has been shown to promote the right balance of good bacteria in the mouth, improve bad breath, improve taste, lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and reduce tooth decay.” added Fraundorff.
“Researchers found that tongue scrapers could remove 30% more volatile sulfur compounds on the tongue than toothbrushes.” “So while cleaning your tongue with a toothbrush is better than not cleaning it at all, it turns out that using a tongue scraper is much more effective.”
Fraundorf recommends using a tongue scraper once or twice a day. That’s about the same frequency as brushing your teeth. However, once your microbiome is healthy, she adds, “you can cut back to two or three times a week” depending on your preference.
Also, contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to wait until it’s time to brush your teeth to take out the tongue scraper. “Shaving your tongue can be done anytime you want, not just before or after brushing your teeth,” she said. “It can be a standalone activity.”
The only rule you need to follow is that you must wet your tongue before you start scraping. “If you wake up at night with mouth breathing and your mouth is very dry, be sure to drink water to moisten your mouth before rubbing your tongue,” Dr. Fraundorff says.
Fans say this best-selling stainless steel tongue scraper is more effective than plastic scrapers. This two-pack will keep both you and your partner fresh, or you can keep one at home and one in your bag. A travel case is also included!
$8 on Amazon
Reviewer’s opinion
This stainless steel scraper has 85,000 5-star fans. Several reviewers have stated that, in some cases, they noticed that their bad breath was reduced or completely disappeared after just one use. “The thick white ‘mossy’ layer on the back of his tongue has disappeared,” one shopper wrote. “My breath has no odor. Like, no odor!”
“Bad breath can kill you,” said another. “I’ve never used a tongue scraper before, but lately I feel like toothpaste and mouthwash combinations just don’t cut it. I tried these bad boys for me and my fiancé and 10/10 I bought it.It’s very easy to clean and it makes me feel good.”It feels clean. I also like that it comes with two bottles, so it’s easy for two people to try it out. ”
Another shopper who tried several different tongue scrapers said this was the best of them. “I’ve been using this tongue scraper for almost two weeks now and it’s the best tongue scraper I’ve ever purchased. I used to use Dentek, but the stainless steel tongue scraper is better than the plastic tongue scraper. I feel clean and hygienic. Overall, I feel like I get cleaner when using this brand.”
“Be gentle, but you can also accumulate quite a bit of dirt on your tongue after a few passes,” the final judge advised. “Your tongue might be a little sensitive if you’re not gentle, but otherwise I can only say it’s good.”
Of course, if you have Amazon Prime, shipping is free. Not a member yet? No problem. You can sign up for a 30-day free trial here. (By the way, even if you don’t have Prime, shipping is free on orders over $25.)
The reviews cited above reflect the latest version at the time of publication.
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