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Director: 1 Million Moms
Volkswagen should be ashamed of itself for trying to normalize the crime by featuring two lesbians getting married in their 2024 commercial “The Big Game.” The ad depicts two women in wedding attire leaving a small white chapel hand in hand after the ceremony. The two then kiss inside the Volkswagen before driving off. Clearly, Volkswagen is promoting same-sex marriage to satisfy a small number of customers while alienating conservative customers.
Volkswagen uses its advertising to devalue the sanctity of marriage and redefine the family, while exposing families to the decline of cultural morals and values. Homosexuality is unnatural, but this ad promotes an LGBTQ agenda. An even bigger concern is that controversial commercials are being aired during times when children are more likely to watch television. This ad first aired a few weeks ago during the 2024 Super Bowl, but what’s worse is that it’s now being shown to unsuspecting young viewers on Disney+.
With this ad, Volkswagen crossed a line that should never be crossed. Even though she did not morally object to 1MM’s decision to air this ad, it is not the retailer’s job to introduce such so-called “social issues” to children in a commercial. Volkswagen glorifies sin, but no sin should be honored.
Millions of Americans strongly believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman. But rather than remaining neutral in the culture war, Volkswagen intended to take sides. Volkswagen will listen to the left, so he needs to listen to us too. Someday, we will answer for our actions or lack of actions. We must remain diligent and defend Biblical values and truth. The Bible says many times that homosexuality is wrong and that God does not condone this sinful nature (Romans 1:26-27).
If you agree that this “Big Game” commercial is inappropriate, please sign our petition asking Volkswagen to immediately stop this ad and remain neutral in the culture war. And please share this with your friends and family.