In this age of abundant streaming series, a steady stream of theatrically released movies, and the weirdness of the internet, you’d be forgiven for thinking that just about every story has already been told at this point. And then something appears that reminds us that there are still original ideas left in the world. For example, what if there was a show where a human woman was turned into a chicken nugget by a machine, leaving behind her father and a wounded intern? Are you crazy about your girlfriend trying to make her human again? That sound you hear is the sound of Joseph Campbell’s brain exploding. This is the premise of his new Netflix series, titled, you guessed it. Chicken nugget, and it comes from Korean writer and director Lee Byung-hun. Check out the wild trailer here:
Well…that’s true. A classic show where women become chicken nuggets. The film has been nicely described as a “crisp comedy,” and it looks beyond the absurd premise to what we see here, a true visual identity with all its pops of block color. Exists. Ryu Seung-ryong and Ahn Jae-hong play the role of Kim Yoo-jung’s nugget woman who tries to restore her humanity.There may not be a next time squid gamebut Chicken nugget You’ll find that some of the Korean Netflix originals are particularly distinctive. As you dig into this piece, prepare yourself a ton of delicious nuggets.
Chicken nugget – a show about a woman who transforms into a chicken nugget one last time – is coming to Netflix on March 15th. What a wonderful time to be alive.