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Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Bing to Apple (NASDAQ:AAPLAccording to recently released post-trial briefs in the U.S. Department of Justice’s antitrust case against Google, Google plans to make an acquisition or form a search engine joint venture in 2018.NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:Google).
Case Google (google) (Google) asserted its search monopoly and the methods it employed to ensure it, including spending billions of dollars to make its search engine the default option on mobile phones. Google claimed it had been competing fairly.
Google (GOOG) says in court that Microsoft (MSFT) approached Apple (AAPL) in 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2020 to make Bing the default option in the Safari browser. He said he did.
Google (GOOG) says, “In each case, Apple thoroughly considered the relative quality of Bing and Google and concluded that Google was the superior default choice.” “That’s competition.”
Apple (AAPL) executive Eddie Cue said Bing’s search quality isn’t as good as Google’s (GOOG) and that Microsoft (MSFT) isn’t investing at a “comparable level” to Google.
Google (GOOG) also claimed that its search engine received nearly 80% of queries, even though Bing is the default option on Windows PCs in the US.
Regarding Google (GOOG), the default option in the Firefox browser, Mozilla told the Department of Justice that while the search engine provides the best user experience, Bing has “low retention rates, low search volume, and low monetization rates.” “low,” he reported.
The Department of Justice has claimed that Google (GOOG) spends more than $20 billion each year in default and restrictive covenant payments. “Google paid billions of dollars to keep search queries to itself, steal scale from rivals, and block the entry of innovative competitors.”