Stork (2016) is an American animated film that follows Junior, a talented package delivery stork, and his human female partner, Tulip, as they work at a mountaintop distribution center for the giant online retailer I’m drawing. After a boy named Nate Gardner writes a letter to the company, Stork’s former baby factory is unintentionally used and a baby girl is born. Storks originally had the job of giving birth and giving birth to babies. The two go on a journey to deliver the baby to the boy’s family, protecting the baby from company management and paving the way for Junior to succeed him in the promotion process.
Here’s how to watch and stream Storks (2016) on streaming services like Netflix.
Is Stork (2016) available to stream?
Yes, Storks (2016) is available to stream on Netflix.
The film features voice actors including Ty Burrell, Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele, Danny Trejo, Katie Crown, Jennifer Aniston, and Andy Samberg. Stork was directed by Nicholas Stoller and Doug Sweetland.
In Europe, America, North Africa, and the Middle East, there are legends of a stork carrying a newborn baby wrapped in a white cloth. It is widely believed that the story of the angry goddess Hera began in ancient Greece. According to her myth, Hera became jealous of her beauty and turned her beautiful queen Gerana into a stork. Her grieving Gerana swooped down to Hera to save her child, and the Greeks painted a picture of a winged eagle holding her baby in its beak.
Stream Stork (2016) on Netflix
Stork (2016) IAvailable to watch on Netflix.
You can watch it via Netflix by following these steps:
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$6.99 per month (standard with ads)
$15.49 per month (standard)
$22.99 per month (Premium)
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The cheapest ad-supported Netflix Standard offers all but a few movies and TV shows. However, ads appear before or during most content. Watch in Full HD on two supported devices at once.
Its Standard plan offers the same thing, but is completely ad-free, allows users to download content to two supported devices, and adds an additional member who doesn’t live in the same household. Options are also available.
The Premium plan offers the same as above, but supports four supported devices at once and content is displayed in Ultra HD. Users can download content to up to six supported devices at once, with the option to add up to two additional members who don’t live in the same household. It also supports spatial audio from Netflix.
The synopsis of Kounodori (2016) is as follows.
“Storks give birth to babies, at least they used to. Currently, they deliver packages to global internet retail giants. Junior, the company’s top delivery stork, was about to get promoted when he accidentally activated a baby-making machine and gave birth to an adorable baby girl, completely unauthorized.“
Note: Streaming services listed above are subject to change. Information provided is current at the time of writing.
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