Browsing: Ai Technology
Illustrative example – A monitor at the nurses’ station monitors a patient undergoing radiation therapy at Sheba Medical Center. (Photo:…
AI photo: VCGAI technology will be a hot topic in two sessions as the global artificial intelligence (AI) industry unleashes…
DALLAS — Texans can now ride waves without leaving the state. “Here in Dallas, Texas, you can experience real surfing…
Halifax Fire introduces AI technology, new brush truck to detect and extinguish wildfires
Halifax Fire will deploy new AI technology for early fire detection and four brush trucks to help extinguish HRM wildfires.…
Flux, a global infrastructure provider of cloud hosting, artificial intelligence, and technology-enabled distributed solutions products and services, today announced the…
U.S. basketball team Detroit Pistons uses MeetKai AI technology to create first virtual world — Retail Technology Innovation Hub
“We're thrilled to be partnering with the Pistons,” said Adam Folkson, vice president of business intelligence for the Pistons. “This…
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Digital menus, contactless ordering and robot servers are just some of the technology investments some restaurants are…
Le référencement naturel, ou SEO (Search Engine Optimization), demeure la pierre angulaire de la visibilité en ligne pour de nombreux sites Web.…
Cherchant toujours à faciliter la vie des vidéastes, les logiciels vidéo d’intelligence artificielle (IA) deviennent de plus en plus populaires grâce aux…
How scientists used AI technology to discover the deaths of 7,000 humpback whales: study
The intersection of marine biology and artificial intelligence technology has led to the discovery of an astonishing population of humpback…