Malayalam megastar Mammootty is very good at surprising his fans by appearing in public in different looks. Most of the time, his appearance during such appearances is part of his character in the movie, and sometimes his real personality shows up as well. Currently doing the rounds on social media are a series of images in which he is seen looking ravishingly handsome in a milky white kurta and mundu.
The picture was taken when Mammootty was seen at the success bash of ‘Kaathal – The Core’ and ‘Kannur Squad’. Mammootty also carried a silver bracelet as part of his ethnic ensemble. He attended the ceremony accompanied by his wife Sulfas.
Following the image posted on social media, comments from netizens poured in, including messages praising his age-defying good looks and wishing him the best for the future.
With a huge number of classic films in different languages, the septuagenarian actor has consistently charmed Malayali audiences with his classy performances over the decades. He has headlined several recently released films, all of which were critically acclaimed and box office hits.
On the other hand, his latest film ‘Brahmayugam’, a black and white horror thriller, showcased his exceptional performance and cinematic brilliance, leading to a meteoric rise to fame.